“The Water Remembers Everything from the Beginning of Time.” -Ancient Indigenous Saying
Water is the giver of life, a source of purification, and an element that can be infused with sacred blessings. Spiritual disciplines across cultures have long revered water as a gateway to the gift of life, transformation, and a connection to the divine. Through water we are all intimately connected to the wholeness of this life.
Last May we had the honor of having Uncí Carole Bubar-Blodgett grace us with her humbling presence to lead us in a Unity Ceremony at our fundraiser, Bodies of Water, for Mama Na Dada of East Africa in collaboration with WaterNow.

Uncí Carole circled up all participants and led us in a Unity Prayer with the water. During this ceremony we remembered and honored bodies of water which we grew up around or had made an impactful impression on us. Each individual present named a body of water to add to her collection of over 1,000 rivers or bodies of water to name. She was astounded that every single individual in the room participated including our volunteers to random guests strolling by. She shared with us that it was the first time that she had witnessed 100% participation with all people present.
As we each took the time to honor Sacred Waters from around the World I thought about how precious water is to humanity's existence on this planet…. Water inhabits all areas of our lives…our bodies are made up of 70% water…we drink it…we bathe in it… and the Earth’s surface is covered in over 75% of this essential element. Water truly is an essential ingredient to life. …. Water is Life. Truly and Purely. From the blood that carries nutrients through our bodies, to the rivers and oceans that feed the animal and plant kingdoms, water is crucial for the existence of life on Earth.
The theory of “water memory” also came to mind, which postulates that water can hold the imprint or “memory” of a substance or essence once it has been diluted in it…. Which suggests that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. WOWZERS! Under this theory, blessings and prayers can change the molecular structure of water and give it more vitality. This is HUGE. This implies that with our words, thoughts and intentions we can structurally change and purify the water that we encounter, including the water that lives within us. Since we’re majority made of water we can implicitly change and affect the vibration that we put in our bodies. This means that we have the power to permeate every cell in our body with positive intentions, prayers and affirmations that nourish our soul and overall well-being. We are bodies of water.

Our ancestors and many cultures and tribes around the world have for centuries been a part of Sacred Pilgrimages as a form of prayer and re-connection to Pachamama. The water that Uncí carries connects us all within the “Web of Life.” In particular, she carries waters that were gathered from all over the world that started to get collected by the Hopi Indians back in 2006 in connection to the ongoing fulfillment of the Eagle and Condor Prophecy.
The Eagle and Condor Prophecy is about the connection of the North and South American Indian tribes. This prophecy explains that when the power of the eagle of the North connects in balance with the spiritually earth-centered condor of the South, our world will then come into balance. It is a process of our thoughts and our intuition coming together. Coming back to center, connecting to our heart, and creating unity for all.
It is all peoples from all directions returning to a peaceful loving heart-centered way of being.
In March of 2006 the Hopi Indians gathered water from all around the world and ran 1800 miles to be part of a long awaited Spring Equinox ceremony in Teotihuacán, Mexico. They were welcomed by an intercontinental gathering of tribes where they performed the Eagle Dance in front of the Sun Pyramid for the first time in 500 years. They also brought an important message to the people: Water is Life. We should not be misuse or privatize it.
While at Teotihuacán they exchanged the water that they brought with other indigenous tribes there and during the next year it was carried to Peru and Bolivia. This is the very same water that Uncí carries for her Water is Life Walk and that we added to during our Bodies of Water event.
The water was returned to Mexico City where the Mexicas had a Fire ceremony with a Mayan elder to prepare the four elements Water, Fire, Air, and Earth for a return trip to Hopi. The Mexicas ran 1800 miles from Mexico City to Hopi returning with the Water, the feminine activating Fire, Air, and Earth. The Hopi met the Mexica runners at the US border and ran with them through other sacred lands. They not only brought the four elements, but also brought the much needed rain through Zuni Navajo, and Hopi lands.
Uncí Carole is currently undergoing the 9th Annual Water is Life walk to celebrate life and to help us remember and renew our personal relationship to the Sacred Water that birthed each and every one of us and continues to sustain us each and every day. Uncí Carole will be walking the length of the Muhheakantuck (Hudson River) on this 9th year. This pilgrimage is being done in the name of water and in hope to help remind us how to renew our personal connection to nature and our reason for being on this planet.
“The Water is Life Walk is Indigenous-led, but open to all faiths and all nations as we offer one prayer for the SacredWater. Let’s walk our talk in her honor.” - Uncí Carole
If you’re not already walking with Uncí Carole in her Water is Life Walk then I suggest you take a look below and see when you can join them on the prayer in the name of water and solidarity across the planet. http://waterislifewalk.org/2019-water-is-life-walk/
Amongst us all we have everything. Let’s come together in One prayer for One planet.
Aho Mitakuye Oyasın.
Schedule to Join Uni Carole:
June 28, 2019: Ossining, NY ~ Briarcliff Manor, NY ~ Nyack, NY
June 29, 2019: Nyack, NY ~ Alpine, NJ ~ Englewood Cliffs, NJ
June 30, 2019: Englewood Cliffs, NJ ~ Weehawken, NJ
July 1, 2019: Weehawken, NJ
Words from Unci Carole: